Məlumat bazası

How To Setup cPanel Email account on Windows 10

To create your new email account:

1. Click on the Windows Start menu and choose the Mail app on the Start Screen:


PLEASE NOTE: The Start Screen may look different on your side and Mail app might be missing. Therefore, feel free to use Search charm to find the app.

2. Click on Add account to get started:
If you've used the Mail app before, at the bottom of the left navigation pane, click Settings:
Click Manage Accounts:

NOTE: On a phone or tablet, tap the three dots at the bottom of the page to access Settings.
After you’ve done this, select Add account:

3. Scroll down to view all options and select Advanced setup:
4. Now click Internet Email:
5. Enter the following details in corresponding fields of the Advanced setup window:

a. Email address: your full email address
b. Username: your full email address
c. Password: your password for this email account
d. Account name: the name that you'll see in the left navigation pane of Mail for Windows 10
e. Send your messages using this name: the name your recipients will see when they receive your message
f. Incoming (IMAP) email server: the server your account is hosted on
g. Account type: IMAP4 or POP3

Outgoing (SMTP) email server: the server your account is hosted on
Also, make sure that the following options are marked:

a. Outgoing server requires authentication

b. Use the same username and password for sending email

c. Require SSL for incoming email

d. Require SSL for outgoing email

After you've entered the required information, click Sign in >>  Done.
Your cPanel email account on Windows 10 is now set up.


  • cPanel, Email, email account, windows, windows 10
  • 0 istifadəçi bunu faydalı hesab edir
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