
How to Log in to cPanel

When you initially sign up with WalexBiz Host, you will receive a Welcome email that contains pertinent information about your new hosting package.

In the email, look for the following information:

1. Your Control Panel - This is the URL to access your cPanel directly. Usually, this link ends with ":2083." You will want to open that link in a new tab/window and bookmark the URL.

2. Username - This is your cPanel username.

3. Password - This is your cPanel password.

If you do not have the correct login credentials from the Welcome email, please contact us via our phone line +234 901 729 2738 or Live Chat for assistance.
Option 1 - Access cPanel via Customer Portal


The Customer Portal provides a single sign-on option to your own cPanel for Shared and Cloud hosting plans. Please use the steps below to access your cPanel through your Customer Portal.

1. Log in to your Customer Portal.

2. On the Dashboard, locate the Shared or Cloud hosting package you wish to access the cPanel.

3. Click the Launch cPanel button. You can also click this link: Take me to cPanel!

4. A new tab will open, logging you directly into your cPanel.

Option 2 - Access cPanel via URL Directly


You can directly access your cPanel in a browser using any of the following ways; however, Direct Option 1 and Direct Option 2 are the most dependable as they rely on the server address instead of the domain. These two options do not require your domain to be pointed at the server.

Why does having your domain pointed to WalexBiz Host matter?

Some people may have their domain hosted at another hosting provider. While they work to create a new website at WalexBiz Host, they sometimes keep their domain pointed to their old site. Thus, their domain will not be pointed to their new WalexBiz Host account initially, and Direct Option 3 will not work for them. Once they update their domain to point to WalexBiz Host, Direct Option 3 will work.


1. Both your Server Hostname (Your Control Panel without the ":2083") and your Site IP (Server IP) address are provided in your Welcome email.

2. The Server Hostname for Shared hosting customers will look like gator1234.WalexBiz Host.com or secure1234.WalexBiz Host.com.

3. The Server Hostname for Resellers will look like car-name.websitewelcome.com or secure1234.websitewelcome.com.

4. We always recommend using a secure connection. By using HTTPS along with the port address 2083 to access cPanel, your connection will be encrypted.

Direct Option 1:

Use https and your Server Hostname followed by a colon and the port address of 2083 (best method).

URL Format: https://ServerHostname:2083

Example: https://walex1111.walexbizhost.com:2083

Direct Option 2:

Use https and your server's Site IP address followed by a colon and the secure port number 2083:

URL Format: https://Site-IP:2083

Example: https://01.234.567.890:2083

a. This will produce a browser warning.

b. Using Direct Option 2 with the Site IP address will redirect you to the Server Hostname URL as shown in Direct Option 1.

c. You can use the Direct Option 2 method without using the "https"; however, you need to use port 2082.

Direct Option 3:

Use https and your domain name followed by a colon and the secure port number 2083:

URL Format:https://exampledomain.com:2083


Note: Please replace exampledomain.com with any of your domains that are pointed to the server. If the domain is not pointed to the server or is using a CDN, it will not be able to access cPanel on the server.

Please contact us via our phone line +234 901 729 2738 or Live Chat if you need your Server Hostname or Site IP address.
  • cPanel
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