
How to change the version of PHP environment on the server (for EasyApache3)

You can change the PHP version on the server using the EasyApache (Apache Update) module located in the WHM left-hand menu.

1. Back up your current installation via the Download button and start the configuration process via the Customize profile option:

2. Select Apache version for a new configuration build. The selection affects the number of available PHP modules and some specific settings, so keep the default value if you just want to change the PHP version:

3. Then you can select the PHP version you need. If the desired PHP version is not present in the selection list, make sure you have the latest cPanel version and update it if necessary:

4. Finally, you can select additional web server modules which should be added to the web server configuration.

Keep the default selection if you are unsure whether you need additional modules or not - you can always rebuild the configuration again if needed. Click Save and build to finish the configuration process:

5. Read carefully messages in the next two pop-up windows and proceed with the rebuild:

6. Wait till the rebuilding process is finished, it may take some time depending on the options you selected:

NOTE: Do not interrupt the process as you will have to start from the beginning meanwhile your websites could have gone offline because of the unfinished configuration.

7. You should see the Build complete message in the end:

That’s all, your server is now running with the PHP environment version of your choosing.

How to adjust PHP settings/limits

You can edit the general server PHP configuration in two possible ways.

1. A preferable and safe way is to use the WHM > PHP Configuration Editor menu:

Basic Mode allows editing only commonly changed parameters, so if you want to change some specific settings, switch to Advanced Mode instead.

Once you are done with the changes, click Save. You will then be redirected to the page where you can check the new global php.ini which is created as a result of your changes:

2. Alternatively, you can edit the php.ini file directly via SSH as a root user (only for User-Responsible VPS and Dedicated servers).

The global php.ini file is located in the /usr/local/lib/ folder. When connected via SSH run:

vi /usr/local/lib/php.ini


nano /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Once you made all the changes, save the file and restart the web server by running:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

That’s it!

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